This package browser is in early development. Mind the rough edges.


GNU Guix provides 28,057 packages transparently available as pre-built binaries. These pages provide a complete list of the packages. Our continuous integration system shows their current build status (updated June 1, 2024).

rust 1.75.0

Compiler for the Rust programming language

rust-mimalloc-rust 0.1.5

Binding for mimalloc in rust

rust-rust-argon2 0.7.0

Argon2 password hashing function in Rust

rust-rust-argon2 0.8.3

Argon2 password hashing function in Rust

rust-rust-embed 5.9.0

Rust custom `Derive' macro

rust-rust-hawktracer 0.7.0

Rust bindings for hawktracer profiling library

rust-rust-ini 0.13.0

INI configuration file parsing library in Rust

rust-rust-ini 0.17.0

INI configuration file parsing library in Rust

rust-xxhash-rust 0.8.2

Implementation of xxHash in Rust

rust-yaml-rust 0.3.5

YAML 1.2 parser for Rust

rust-yaml-rust 0.4.5

YAML 1.2 parser for Rust

rust-jni 0.14.0

Rust bindings to the JNI

rust-jni 0.18.0

Rust bindings to the JNI

rust-jni 0.19.0

Rust bindings to the JNI

rust-jni 0.21.1

Rust bindings to the JNI

rust-analyzer 1.75.0

Experimental Rust compiler front-end for IDEs

rust-mimalloc-rust-sys 1.7.2

`mimalloc_rust' hand written sys binding

rust-pure-rust-locales 0.7.0

Pure Rust locales imported directly from the GNU C Library

rust-pure-rust-locales 0.8.1

Pure Rust locales imported directly from the GNU C Library

rust-rust-embed-impl 5.9.0

Rust custom `Derive' macro

rust-rust-embed-utils 5.1.0

Utilities for `rust-embed'

rust-rust-hawktracer-sys 0.4.2

Sys crate for the rust_hawktracer library

rust-bencher 0.1.5

Port of the libtest benchmark runner to Rust stable

rust-json 0.12.4

JSON implementation in Rust

rust-lettre 0.9.6

Rust email client

rust-litrs 0.2.3

Parse and inspect Rust literals

rust-multer 2.1.0

Async parser for `multipart/form-data' content-type in Rust

rust-onig 6.1.1

Rust bindings for the Oniguruma regular expression library

rust-pyo3 0.13.2

Rust bindings for the Python interpreter

rust-pyo3 0.15.2

Rust bindings for the Python interpreter

rust-pyo3 0.16.5

Rust bindings for the Python interpreter

rust-pyo3 0.18.3

Rust bindings for the Python interpreter

rust-pyo3 0.19.2

Rust bindings for the Python interpreter

rust-pyo3 0.20.2

Rust bindings for the Python interpreter

rust-schemars 0.8.8

Generate JSON Schemas from Rust code

rust-syn 0.11.11

Parser for Rust source code

rust-syn 0.13.11

Parser for Rust source code

rust-syn 0.14.9

Parser for Rust source code

rust-syn 0.15.44

Parser for Rust source code

rust-syn 1.0.109

Parser for Rust source code

rust-syn 2.0.48

Parser for Rust source code

rust-toml 0.2.1

Rust encoder and decoder of TOML-formatted files and streams

rust-toml 0.4.10

Rust encoder and decoder of TOML-formatted files and streams

rust-toml 0.5.11

Rust encoder and decoder of TOML-formatted files and streams

rust-toml 0.6.0

Rust encoder and decoder of TOML-formatted files and streams

rust-toml 0.7.8

Rust encoder and decoder of TOML-formatted files and streams

rust-toml 0.8.8

Rust encoder and decoder of TOML-formatted files and streams

rust-tracing 0.1.40

Application-level tracing for Rust

rust-windows 0.32.0

Rust for Windows

rust-windows 0.39.0

Rust for Windows

rust-windows 0.44.0

Rust for Windows

rust-windows 0.46.0

Rust for Windows

rust-windows 0.48.0

Rust for Windows

rust-windows 0.9.1

Rust for Windows

rust-abi-stable 0.10.5

Rust-to-Rust ffi,writing libraries loaded at program startup

rust-bio-types 0.12.1

Common biomedical types for use in rust-bio and rust-htslib

rust-bio-types 1.0.1

Common biomedical types for use in rust-bio and rust-htslib

rust-sdl2-sys 0.35.2

Raw SDL2 bindings for Rust, used internally rust-sdl2

rust-rust-base58 0.0.4

Simple library for converting to and from base-58 strings

rust-rust-decimal 1.17.0

Decimal implementation suitable for financial calculations

rust-rust-htslib 0.38.2

HTSlib bindings and API for reading and writing BAM files

i3status-rust 0.32.3

Replacement for i3status, written in Rust

rust-actix 0.10.0

Actor framework for Rust

rust-actix 0.8.3

Actor framework for Rust

rust-addr2line 0.19.0

Symbolication library written in Rust, using gimli

rust-afl 0.12.17

Fuzzing Rust code with american-fuzzy-lop

rust-alto 3.0.4

Idiomatic Rust bindings for OpenAL 1.1 and extensions (including EFX)

rust-argmax 0.3.1

Rust library to deal with 'argument too long' errors

rust-argon2 0.5.2

Rust argon2 library

rust-arrow 47.0.0

Rust implementation of Apache Arrow

rust-arrow 5.5.0

Rust implementation of Apache Arrow

rust-arrow2 0.7.0

Unofficial implementation of Apache Arrow spec in safe Rust

rust-ash 0.37.3+1.3.251

Vulkan bindings for Rust

rust-askama 0.11.1

Type-safe, compiled Jinja-like templates for Rust

rust-askama 0.12.1

Type-safe, compiled Jinja-like templates for Rust

rust-atk 0.14.0

Rust bindings for the ATK library

rust-atk 0.8.0

Rust bindings for the ATK library

rust-autocfg 0.1.7

Automatic configuration for Rust compiler features

rust-autocfg 1.1.0

Automatic configuration for Rust compiler features

rust-backtrace 0.3.67

Acquire a stack trace (backtrace) at runtime in a Rust program

rust-barrel 0.6.5

Powerful schema migration building API for Rust

rust-base16ct 0.1.1

Rust implementation of Base16 a.k.a hexadecimal

rust-base16ct 0.2.0

Rust implementation of Base16 a.k.a hexadecimal

rust-bindgen 0.53.3

Generate Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries

rust-bindgen 0.55.1

Generate Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries

rust-bindgen 0.56.0

Generate Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries

rust-bindgen 0.57.0

Generate Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries

rust-bindgen 0.58.1

Generate Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries

rust-bindgen 0.59.2

Generate Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries

rust-bindgen 0.61.0

Generate Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries

rust-bindgen 0.63.0

Generate Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries

rust-bindgen 0.64.0

Generate Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries

rust-bindgen 0.66.1

Generate Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries

rust-bindgen 0.69.4

Generate Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries

rust-bio 0.33.0

Bioinformatics library for Rust

rust-bio 0.39.2

Bioinformatics library for Rust

rust-bio 0.41.0

Bioinformatics library for Rust

rust-bio 1.5.0

Bioinformatics library for Rust

rust-bitmaps 2.1.0

Fixed size compact boolean array in Rust

rust-blake3 0.3.8

BLAKE3 hash function Rust implementation